Anderson Water and Air Purification has been providing reliable service for the past twenty years in the Greater Jackson, Mississippi Area. We service homes and offices with reverse osmosis drinking water filter systems, air purifiers, air disinfection using ultraviolet(uv) light, ozonation, duct fogging, and shower and bath filtration systems.

Please visit our Water Treatment and Air Purification pages for more information.  For current events and information at Anderson Water & Air please visit our What's New page. 

  • " Thank you so much for the great service you provided me during my stay here in Jackson, Mississippi. The reverse osmosis system you installed makes the best drinking water; I love the pure ice and I have never run low on supply. I feel safe and confident knowing my tap water has been purified and sterilized - dead microbes are okay, however, NO microbes is my preference!

    I won't forget how you repaired my air conditioning system and disinfected it for me on the day I moved in. My sinus symptoms were dramatically reduced. I hope to find someone as dedicated and knowledgeable as you in Dallas, Texas. It has been a pleasure working with someone I would feel comfortable handing a key to my home.
    Gwen Shipe, M.D
    Jackson, MS & Dallas, TX

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